On-Boarding Services
2 Training Sessions for On-boarding
- Training is held for 2 hours per session.
- Get 2 free online training sessions upon subscription.
- Get 1 additional free training session when you start with an annual subscription.
Online Training Service
To help customers settle in with the program, 2 online training sessions are provided free of charge. Depending on your company's workflow, individual sessions take approximately 1~2 hours.
1st Training Session
- Review the company overall business flow and confirm program requirements.
- Configure options according to workflows.
- Show examples of registering basic data required to begin using the program.
- Demonstrate how to use the main functionalities.
2nd Training Session
- Typically conducted after the first 1-2 months of using the program.
- Discuss and resolve any issues that may arise during initial use of the program.
- Review data registration and main functionalities.
How to use Training Sessions to Enhance Training Efficiency
- Each employees can prepare in advance for their respective tasks through video tutorials before the training.
- 1st training focuses on ERP function explanation.
- After the training, the customer usually takes 2~3 weeks to adapt to the new system.
- 2nd training is done in Q&A format to resolve users' inquiries.